Training measures
The main common tie between the members of the EACD is the mutual striving for high comparable standards and to constantly improve the quality of practical and academic training in vocational training and graduation in the building crafts in Europe. A MASTER OF CRAFT degree should be established all over Europe, an equivalent to the MASTER OF SCIENCE degree.
In 2006, for the first time, and following an international call for applications, eight carefully selected candidates were sent off on a tour of Europe. In Brussels, in the spring of 2009, the appropriate committee of the EACD awarded the title of EUROPEAN MASTER OF CRAFT after the successful completion of all the requirements.
As a result, the carrying-out of a follow-up action was unanimously agreed on. This second tour has take place from 2010 until 2012. Following their successful European Tour, seven applicants were awarded the title of EUROPEAN MASTER OF CRAFT by the EACD during the summer of 2012, in Salzburg. To keep costs down, the account of this event will appear in book form in 2014.
The third tour for stonemasons and sculptors has been decided and took place in the years 2014 to 2016. It was completed with an exam in March 2017 in Hallein. As many as 7 graduates were awarded the title EUROPEN MASTER OF CRAFT by the EACD in September 2017.
In spring of 2019, the fourth tour started in Vienna.
All Study and Whereabouts:
- Stonemasons College Brac, Croatia
- Technical College for Stone Sculpture in Lasa, Italy
- Federal Guild of Stonemasons Office, Hungary
- Cologne Cathedral Stonemasonry Workshop, Germany
- St Maria zur Wiese Cathedral Stonemasonry Workshop, Soest, Germany
- HTL – Hallein, Austria
- Federal Mouments Office Vienna, Austria
- Opera de Primaziale Pisa, Italy
- Cathedral Stonemasonry Workshop, Basel, Switzerland
- Canterbury Cathedral, UK
- Lincoln Cathedral, UK
- Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway
Office, mail address:
c/o Steinzentrum Hallein
Salzachtalstr. 24
5400 Hallein